Characteristics Are Expressed By Dominant Genes

In biology dominant gene plays an important role, and sometimes is difficult to understand its characteristics. Many humans inherit some characteristics and the only gene responsible for it is the dominant gene. Dominance was discovered by Gregor Mendel. He stated the theory of dominance in detail due to which certain traits can be seen getting inherited in humans. Many theories were carried out to prove this. There are two wide concepts in dominance namely co dominance and incomplete dominance. Mostly people have problems in differentiating both these concepts.

As per biology dominant alleles are those which show dominant characteristics in people and recessive are those which get suppressed. Only dominant ones are inherited from the parents.

Characteristics Are Expressed By Dominant Genes

Characteristics Are Expressed By Dominant Genes

It is noticed that generally one of the alleles are dominant which is known as progeny. Gregor Mendel carried out the experiment for the law of dominance on a pea plant and showed hybridization. He stated that in two parents having different characteristics some are hybridized. In these characteristics one becomes the dominant and the other is suppressed which is known to be as the recessive gene. However the recessive becomes the dominant one in the third generation which some changes. Some characteristics which become dominant and recessive are hair, color of eyes, allergies, diseases, texture, dimples, etc.

In biology dominant gene can show dominance in two ways. One is incomplete dominance and the other is co dominance. In incomplete dominance the alleles are not completely dominant over the others. In such case the phenotype has a combination of both types of alleles. The alleles are neither dominant nor recessive in this case. The other way of inheritance is co dominance where both alleles contribution is visible in the phenotype. As both of the methods have similarities, people often get confused with both of them.

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